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Interview with Joe Roxby Wardle...

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

I was able to sit down with Joe to ask him some questions from editing software to his favourite photo, I was also able to get his perspective and advice for aspiring photographers.

1. What got you started doing photography?

J: I went to Namibia in 2008 and really loved taking pictures of all the animals.

2. Who or what inspires you when it comes to photography?

J: I like trying to create an interesting image from things that may seem mundane or boring on the surface - I find it inspiring when an image makes you see something from a perspective you had not noticed before.

3. How does your personality reflect itself in your pictures?

J: I like using photography to show my more creative side that can easily get lost in my day to day life.

4. What kind of photography do you do e.g. Urban or Nature?

J: Mainly landscape, but I like the challenge of whatever is in front of me as well.

5. Would you ever try a different style of photography or should you stick with just one branch?

J: I think you should always keep trying new things and developing - I would want to try taking more portraits.

6. What is your go to or must have equipment?

J: I think too much can be made of equipment, almost a cliche, but just making sure you have a camera on you is important.

7. What do you use to edit your photos?

J: Lightroom! It is a go to.

8. What is your idea of a perfect photo shoot?

J: I'm not really sure, I've never really done a organised shoot. Sunsets are always fun and immediately rewarding.

9. What is your favourite photo and why?

J: I'll have to get back to you - let me have a think.

Not five minutes later did Joe give me a response.

J: I am struggling for a favourite, but I think this image highlights my point about how composition can make something very mundane into a interesting image.

                Image by Joe Roxby Wardle @joesreallyinterestingphotos

10. Best advice for aspiring photographers.

J: I think similarly to what I said earlier however cliche it is, having a camera on you and the drive to take photos is the most important thing. I don't class myself as much more than an aspiring photographer!

You can follow Joe on Instagram @joesreallyinterestingphotos

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